Friday, December 5, 2008

The Business of Being Born

The Business of Being Born.
I recently purchased and viewed Ricki Lake's documentary called the Business of Being Born. I was thrilled. It was such an amazing look at what birth could and should be. It showed that birth isn't like what you see on television. Women aren't hanging from the ceiling, screaming their heads off.

The DVD shows women who are calm and relaxed and listening to their body and following their instincts. They are at home and comfortable. I'm not saying that all women should birth at home but it gives you a perspective about what birth could be like. Stay home as long as possible and keep that momentum when you do get to the hospital. It's hard to do but it is essential to keep things calm and stress-free. It will go a long way to ensure you experience little to know interventions. Also having a doula will do that for you. (There's my doula plug)

I encourage everyone who is pregnant or thinking of becoming pregnant or who has even already given birth, to watch this movie and think about what stories we share with our friends and daughters. All women should believe that birth is beautiful and rewarding. Not scary or horrifying, like what we see in the movies or on television.

Also once you've watched it, feel free to come back and tell me what you think about it, good, bad or thought provoking.
The Business of Being Born Website

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