The last two clients I've had ended up in Cesearean Sections because the baby was breech. We attempted several different methods to get the babies to turn but to no avail.
My clients went to One had an EVC or External Cephalic Version, where by the doctor attempted to turn the baby manually from the outside. One tried Chiropractics which had the best potential for success, except the baby was stuck on the cord and couldn't move, even if he wanted to.
Which lead me to wonder, how can this be prevented. Well, after a lot of thought and after listening to a wonderful Doctor at a conference recently I am more convinced then ever that Chiropractics can work. But I'll add that you have to be seeing a Chiropractor for several months before your due date.
During pregnancy, chiropractics:
* Allows your nervous sytem to be free of any interference and therefore function better.
* Reduces stress and tension (physically and emotionally)
* Optimizes your body's adaptation to the changes of pregnancy (resulting in less aches and pains, 'sciatica,' pubic symphysis pain, headaches, shortness of breath, swelling and more.)
* Improves digestion (including morning sickness, heartburn and constipation)
* Helps reduce labour time, labour pain, and the need for interventions and c-sections.
A Chiropractor can perform what is called The Webster In-utero Constraint Technique. This non-invasive, gentle proceedure works on the pressure points on the round ligaments that attach to the uterus.
If your baby is breech, studies have shown this technique to be up to 97% effective in allowing a breech baby to turn on his or her own accord.
So if you want to learn more about this technique visit
(**information taken from CAPPA Canada conference lecture given by Dr. Amy Robinson of Vibrant Life Chiropractic in Woodbridge.)
Wow! Great info. here. As an aspiring doula, I will be returning here soon!!!
Dawn if you ever have questions about being a doula, please feel free to contact me.
Hi Kim,
Jason was also breech. We ended up having an ECV (and if anyone wants to know what it was like, I'll be happy to share--I just hope they're not squeamish!), but first we tried an acupuncture treatment called moxibustion. It didn't work for us, but I feel like it could have if we had had more time. My sister-in-law is a doula and a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and she highly recommended that treatment too.
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