Were you aware of that? That your cervix is directly related to your emotions and stress levels? I'm sure it makes sense and if it doesn't then read on.
This weekend the Toronto Doula Group had two clients who's labour was directly linked to their emotions. The first, a client of my business partner, went into labour on Thursday. This was her second child and the contractions were about 7mins apart. As this was her second they opted to go to the hospital. Once there it was determined that she was 3cms, but her contractions had slowed down a little.
The client then decided that she would rather go home to labour a little more on her own. The nurse told her that it wasn't a good idea because she wouldn't know what was going and it would be safer to stay. She still refused and was next confronted by a resident. The resident told her that she needed to stay so her baby could be monitored and it was safer to stay then go home. (How did we manage to survive as a species without doctors and monitors???) She still refused and was getting upset about the way she was being spoken to. At this point her contractions had all but stopped. Finally the doctor came in and began to get belligerent telling her she couldn't leave and it was putting her baby in danger. He was headed for a cesarean section and would come back in an hour to discuss her nonsense.
After an hour and no contractions at all she got dressed and left. Unfortunately she was required to sign a "Against Medical Advice" form.
Over the next couple of days whenever contractions started and she began to think about going to the hospital, they would stop. She soon began to think about changing health care providers.
After some relaxation and fear release her water broke on the Saturday night. Her baby was born healthy and safely 4hours later.
It isn't fair for health care providers to undermined their patients wishes with fear and threats. If she had stayed like they wanted and not followed her instincts she could have very well ended up with a c-section. Something no one should have because of fear and tension inflicted on them at a time when things should be calm and stress free.
The second client was mine who was having a VBAC or Vaginal Birth After Cesarean. She had been using Hypnosis to remain calm and even to turn her baby to a head down position. Everything had been going well and her doctor was very supportive. He kept everything laid back and calm and even though she was approaching her due date, he had still not scheduled a c-section. Unfortunately at one week past due things changed and he told her sharply that she had run out of time and 72hrs from that day her section was scheduled.
This left my client in a panic. She had been having start and stop contractions (common for vbac mothers) for a couple of days and was shocked when she was given no time to discuss her options. She spent that weekend searching out an acupuncturist to help and took homeopathic remedies to help as well and again had start and stop contractions. She did several fear releases and worked hard on relaxation. But there was one thing still holding her back.
The impending c-section. It was causing her stress and tension in her body and until that was released her contractions would continue to stay blocked. We had a long conversation and she decided to call the hospital in the morning and explain her situation. The act of making that decision let her contractions change and begin to get stronger and closer together. She needed to release that fear and stress and let her emotions go so she could let her body do what it needed to do.
So how does one do these things. Hypnosis. Having a Doula. Getting practical and non-fear based childbirth education.