Is it possible in this day and age to have an unmedicated birth? With all the media attention on planned c-sections and the world of famous people spouting the necessity of pain medication and planned inductions for timing when your baby comes. (Don't get me started on that one)
I think it is possible, if you truly want an unmedicated birth. There are just a few things you need to do in order to increase your odds.
First off, have a midwife, family doctor or an OB who is laid back and supportive of natural birth. Find a health care practioner who believes in what women's bodies can do. You aren't looking for a surgeon. You are looking for someone to assist you in birthing your baby.
Secondly, work with a doula to help guide you and support you and be you and your partners advocate in achieving a natural, unmedicated birth.
Thirdly, choose your childbirth classes wisely. Choose non-hospital based childbirth classes, where you can discuss options for pain such as birth balls, tubs, showers, massage and more.
Fourthly, choose a hospital that has such things as tubs, showers and supports natural, unmedicated birth. Yes they exist.
Fifthly, let go. You cannot control your labour. Your body knows what to do, you have to have faith that it will do it. You need to let your body go, get into the contractions and let them do their job. You have to surrender to them and let them work at bringing your baby down dilating your cervix.